About Us

Introduction of Institution

Amity Institute of Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing (AIGIRS) is an interdisciplinary center, established as a part of Amity University Uttar Pradesh, NOIDA. Backed by a team of highly experienced and qualified staff, AIGIRS offers post graduate and undergraduate degree level programs including Doctoral Programs:

i) M. Tech. in Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing
ii) M.Sc. in Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing
iii) M.Sc. in Applied Geology
iv) B.Sc. in Geoinformatics
v) Ph. D in Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing(Full Time/Part-Time).

These Programmes in Geoinformatics combines technical, mathematical, computational and visual knowledge and offers the students the possibility to not only use geoinformatics technology but also develop and create new computational methods and applications. In addition to gaining an overall perspective, students can further focus their skills on one of the subjects within geoinformatics, such as geodesy, photogrammetry, laser scanning, remote sensing, geographic information technologies or cartography.

The programs have a long tradition as a technically and mathematically oriented curriculum. This is why, for example, programming skills, basic courses in mathematics and statistics as well as an interest in GeoIT are required.

The programme provides both theoretical and practical skills, and develops academic capabilities, problem-solving skills and analytical thinking, just to name a few. Teaching is tightly connected to ongoing cutting-edge research.

Graduation from the Master’s Programme in Geoinformatics prepares you for key positions in academia and industry. All courses are given in English. The key goal of the master’s thesis is solving a problem relevant to the field of study based on existing scientific knowledge in compliance with the principles.


AIGIRS aims to facilitate "Quality Education" to equip and enrich young minds to meet global challenges in development, innovation and application of technology in the service of Humanity.

The main aim of the AIGIRS is to provide a technologically sound world class platform towards the pursuit of disseminating knowledge in the areas of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing.

Objectives of AIGIRS

  • Teach students the theoretical principles used in GIS and Remote Sensing.
  • Train them on the use of commercial tools used in these fields.
  • Develop their spatial thinking skills.
  • Provide them with practical knowledge, project management skill and hands-on training that enable them to use GIS and Remote Sensing in solving real world problems.


Remote Sensing and GIS technology should be fully utilized to manage natural resources and the environment, towards increasing sustainability and providing Global security to all sectors of Society.


  • To run the academic programmes of the University in the discipline of GIS and Remote Sensing.
  • To transfer GIS and Remote Sensing Technology and its applications to various users.
  • To extend services to the users in advisory capacity or by undertaking operational projects as a service provider.
  • To undertake R & D projects and organize Workshops and Seminars to promote the cause of GIS and Remote Sensing Technology.
  • To contribute to the education and training of professionals and to build the capacity of other organisations the fields of earth sciences, natural resources and environment, public works etc.

About GIS and Remote Sensing-State of Art Technology in AIGIRS

Remote Sensing is the science and art of acquiring information about material objects, area or phenomenon, without coming into physical contact with the target objects under investigation. Satellite remote sensing promises a unique platform high up in space which offers us means of looking at our planet with new EYES and listen with new EARS by utilizing electromagnetic radiation, or acoustic energy employing cameras, radiometers, scanners, lasers, radio frequency receivers, radar systems, sonar, thermal devices, seismographs, magnetometers, gravimeters and other sensing instruments.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer based information system used to digitally represent and analyze the geographic features present on the earth’s surface and the events that are taking place on it. The GIS is an effective tool for implementation and monitoring of different infrastructures. Remote Sensing and GIS are cutting-edge technologies of current age in harnessing the issues at macro scale.

Endeavors of AIGIRS

  • Temporal analysis of vegetation.
  • Temporal analysis for urban development.
  • Digital Image Processing for Disaster management.
  • Digital Image Processing for land Use land cover changes.
  • Generation of Topology for traficability.
  • Use of Agricultural expanse for Demographic studies.
  • Land suitability analysis for different agricultural crops.
  • Survey of Building material via Remote Sensing and GIS.
  • Mapping Social Crime Zones – A GIS Analysis
  • GIS for e-Health
  • E-Governance via geospatial maps
  • Mapping effects of climatic change on flora and fauna.

Message from Director

State of Art Geographic information technologies and the advanced science of Remote Sensing have an unmatched effect on the entire spectrum of knowledge by targeting the spatial information about "what is where" on Earth's surface. Owing to GIS and RS decisions are made easy by representing the information in a digital format which can be edited, sampled and updated in a user friendly environment.

Remote sensing, Geoinformatics or geospatial analysis is an interesting amalgamation of geography, earth sciences and information technology applications. These subjects are aimed at providing data in the textual and imaging form of different geographical locations. These subjects are at the core of many critical industries such as those involved in telecommunications, weather mapping and far-distance networking technologies.

Remote Sensing (RS) from space provides synoptic coverage of many features of the Earth over large regions at regular intervals of time. Geographic Information System (GIS) is an excellent Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for the detailed analyses of spatio-temporal databases (including RS images) in an integrated platform. Over the last decade, increasing availability of remote sensing data at affordable prices and GIS modeling approaches that can easily be used by the people who do interdisciplinary research has reduced these limitations significantly.

Amity Institute of Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing facilitates students towards exploring the hi-tech world of Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing beyond regular career choices. The Institute renders training to students on global phenomenon like networking communications and applications like GPS information systems, environment and resource management for industrial growth and disaster management. These are all considered vital for the infrastructural progress for the nation and world over.

Application of GIS and Remote Sensing-State of Art Technology


  • Crop monitoring and condition assessment
  • Crop canopy water stress
  • Crop yield estimates
  • Damage assessment
  • Weather Analysis and Forecasting
  • Remote Sensing of Atmosphere
  • Representative Weather Satellites
  • Satellite Data Applications in Meteorology

Water Resources Management

  • Water Resources Management
  • Snow and Glacier Studies
  • Surface water mapping and monitoring
  • Salinity and Waterlogged Area Mapping & Monitoring
  • Groundwater Prospects Mapping
  • Watershed Management

Hazards and Disasters

  • Cyclones
  • Flood Disaster Management
  • Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Assessment
  • Landslides
  • Earthquakes and Active Faults
  • Forest Fire Monitoring


  • Inventory and updating
  • Encroachment
  • Habitat analysis
  • Fire damage

Environmental Monitoring

  • Land use
  • Soil contamination
  • Desertification analysis
  • Oil Spills and disaster monitoring
  • Environmental impact assessments

Geology and Exploration

  • Rock type mapping
  • Mining pollution assessments
  • Coal fire analysis
  • Landslide vulnerability / risk

Infrastructure and Utilities

  • Road networks
  • 3D city models
  • Structural and hydrological inventory
  • Utility corridor mapping
  • Change detection