Water Conservation Measures

Rain water harvesting is absolutely adopted at AUH. There is no water discharged outside of the AUH Campus, making it a zero-water discharge campus. Every drop of used water is recycled, cleaned, and reused for toilet flushing and other horticulture purposes. Groundwater and water supplied from government plants is preserved for drinking. Every year STPs, RO water plants, and effluent treatment plants are audited. Following measures are taken by the university to promote water efficiency and conservation.

  • Encourage water-saving techniques among all stakeholders.
  • Keep an eye on and reduce water usage.
  • Native plants are planted to conserve water.
  • Encourage the planting of native trees near the university to cut down use of water.
  • Evaluate potential locations on campus where alternative water systems could be installed on a regular basis.
  • Continue to use innovative water-saving technologies like reusing water and rainwater harvesting.

Through the aforementioned interventions, the campus also upholds the efforts of the students, faculty, and staff to implement a sustainable water consumption system.

Two types of waste water is generated at University:

  • Drainage water
  • Effluent water from laboratories, laundries, and cafeterias etc.

Sewage treatment plants (STPs) and effluent treatment plants (ETPs) are used to treat this waste water. For reuse, the treated water is connected to various areas, such as horticulture, farm irrigation, and toilet flushing. The combined daily capacity of the STP and ETP is 9 lac litres and 50,000 litres, respectively.

Water Treatment Plants