The Joint Committee Crisis will delve into the Yom Kippur War of 1973, a pivotal event in the Middle East conflict, an intricate web of geopolitical complexities unfolds, capturing the hearts and minds of nations involved. The conflict not only reshaped geopolitical dynamics but also marked a significant turning point in regional history. This crisis simulation centres on the events frozen in time on October 6, 1973. Within this turmoil, Israel, Egypt, and Syria dance on the heights of conflict, each with strategic concerns and historical burdens. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) stand resolute and face crucial decisions that could redefine the nation's destiny. A swift counterattack in Sinai, fortifying the Golan Heights against Syrian advances, or the diplomatic pathways of seeking peace through international channels – these choices, like pieces of puzzle, weave the narrative of Israel's survival. Egyptians must weigh the strategic imperative of advancing into the Sinai Peninsula, secure supply lines for offensive sustainability, and engage in diplomatic efforts to convey intentions and garner international support. The Syrian Armed Forces may plan to intensify the assault on the Golan Heights, coordinating with Egyptian forces for a unified front, while also proposing a ceasefire and engaging in diplomatic negotiations through international mediators. Yet, the drama extends beyond the immediate actors as emotions surge, across the borders. The Middle East draws the focus of non-aligned nations, each nurturing a longing for a global harmony untouched by the shadow of war. In the heart of this simulation lies not just the clash of armies but the collision of ideologies, alliances, and aspirations. It is a canvas painted with the hues of intellect and emotion, where each stroke shapes the destiny of nations and the course of history itself. As the thaw beckons, participants stand by the edge, ready to breathe life into this symphony of decisions keeping in mind the momentous past. Come and join us for an incredible and thrilling experience at AMIMUN'24! The dates of the conferences are 19th, 20th and 21st January, 2024.


YOM KIPPUR WAR, freeze date: 6th oct 1973

Background Guide

Dr. Shikhar Tripathi


Dr. Shikhar Tripathi is a seasoned MUNer, carrying a decade of extensive MUN experience. His unique blend of in-depth medical knowledge combined with an unorthodox understanding of legal frameworks distinguishes him from his contemporaries, enriching the committee with a comprehensive perspective. As a chairperson, he consistently delivers a conducive and stimulating environment, fostering an enriching learning experience for all delegates. His leadership in the committee assures engaging discussions, well-rounded viewpoints, and a platform for delegates to learn, grow and make the most of their MUN journey. As the president of the JCC, he is set to bring a riveting dynamic to the table.

Kshitij Tripathi


Kshitij Tripathi, a dedicated medical student at NCR Institute of Medical Sciences, Meerut, seamlessly merges his academic rigor with a fervent passion for debating. Renowned for both medical acumen and persuasive eloquence, he shines on the Delhi NCR Model United Nations Circuit, amassing a reputation as a formidable debater. Having participated in over a hundred conferences, Kshitij's commitment and unique perspective stand out. Bridging medical ethics with international policy, he adeptly explores intersections between these domains. In conferences, his refreshing synthesis of medical knowledge and insights into international relations consistently adds a distinctive and insightful dimension to discussions.

Shakil Imtiaz

Crisis Director

Shakil Imtiaz, a notable name in Assam’s MUN platform, started this voyage of deliberation and diplomacy in 2015. Currently a fellow in the Young India Fellowship Program at Ashoka University and serving Vice President of the AMUN Club, his passion runs multitude for social subjects and a superset with his undergrad in Physics honours. Regarded as a face for Crisis Committees in his native circuit, his committees are revered for their inertly intricate and closely woven crises which inundate the delegates in close conjunctions to real life scenarios. His impressive track record and performance both as a young delegate and Executive Board member is a testament to his dedication, knowledge, and skills in diplomacy and negotiation