Guest lecture Shri Rupinder Singh ADGP
Amity Law School has conducted a Guest Lecture for the students on the topic Vigilance Agencies and Anti- Corruption Statutes. 190 students from BBA.LL.B.. B.A. LL.B. & B.Com. LL.B. 6th & 8th semester had attended the lecture. During the lecture students were made aware regarding the vigilance agencies and anti-corruption laws along with various other laws like money laundering act, right to information act. The practical insight of the law’s applicability was discussed and various real-life examples were narrated during the knowledge sharing session. The students were able to corelate the theory with the practical examples. The students queried regarding the various statutes effectiveness which was explained by the guest speaker through examples. Over all the guest lecture was informative, having practical approach and was liked by students due to interactive way of conduction.
group photo of guest lecture