Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
Indian Knowledge System
13 July – 19 July 2023
The Directorate of Research & Publication, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior organized a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Indian Knowledge System” from 13-19 July 2023 which was attended by all faculty members and research scholars of AUMP.
Day 1: 13-07-2023
The Inaugural Session of the FDP began at 10:00 am on 13 July 2023 in Seminar Hall Block -A with the lighting of the lamp, Saraswati Vandana, and the felicitation of the guests.
Opening Remarks by Lt. Gen. V. K. Sharma, AVSM (Retd.) Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior
In his inaugural address Hon’ble VC gave an overview of the ancient Indian Knowledge System and outlined its four basic principles – Wholeness which needs to be very practical and meticulous; Connectedness or collectedness between non-living and living things; Guru-Shishya Parampara- which is a holistic approach, extends beyond books and is marked by respect for each other; Totality – which includes karma, actions & reactions, justice and connectedness to Supreme God. The Hon’ble VC also stated that the whole universe exists within an individual. Talking about Knowledge and Values, he referred to Aryabhata and Rishis of Ancient India. He concluded his address by extending his blessings for the success of the FDP.
Address by The Chief Guest Dr. Amresh Chandra Director, Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI), Jhansi
Topic– Agriculture Science and Technology
The Chief Guest of the FDP was Dr Amresh Chandra, Director of the Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI), Jhansi. Dr. Chandra spoke about the traditional food of the country with special reference to Millets. According to Dr Chandra, though millet is branded as a poor man’s crop, it is a very smart crop. It is food as well as fodder. As befitting its importance, the year 2023 has been declared the International Year of Millets. Dr Chandra pointed out that India produces 80% of Asia ‘s and 20% of the World's total millet. He also mentioned that Pearl Millet was perhaps the first crop. In his address, Dr. Chandra named some of the millet products that are produced using modern technology.
Lecture by Guest of Honor Dr. Uma Shankar Pachauri, Governing Body Member of AUMP
Topic – Indian Knowledge System
Dr. Pachauri in his speech talked of the difference between Bhartiya Gyan Parampara and the Indian Knowledge System and how India has a rich legacy of knowledge. He started by giving the example of Acharya Prafulla Chandra and Hindu Chemistry and went on to name the contributions of Aryabhata, Vishwamitra, Brihaspati etc. Dr Pachauri referred to 9 points of lifestyle recommended by IKS: View of Oneness; Respect of Diversity; the Purpose of Life; Faith in God and Spirituality; Sustainable Development and Holistic Approach; Collective Character; Values; Responsibility; and Scientific Approach. He concluded his session by saying that a teacher should be independent in giving knowledge and education.
Lecture by Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma HoD, Hindi, Madhav College, Gwalior & Governing Body Member AUMP
Topic – The Outreach of Indian Knowledge System
Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma spoke about Indian “Triveni” while mentioning the Indian knowledge system. He gave examples of talents shown by the Rishis of India and mentioned Rishi Bhardwaj, Maharshi Sushrut, Barahamihir, Aryabhata, Charka, Rishi Kanad, Nagarjuna etc. Dr. Sharma gave the concept of “dharma” and talked about “nakshatras” and months in Indian calendar. He also spoke about Boudhayan, Agasthya, and Swami Vivekananda and briefed the significant role played in the Indian knowledge system. He said every day has its own taste and nature and gave examples from various parts of the world like USA, UK, Germany, France including India. He talked about “tyag” and “kartabya bodh” since ancient Indian culture and explained the significance of literature and the education system. He concluded his remarks by saying about the 3H concept – hand, heart and head and mentioned the great diversity of India.
Day 2: 14-07-2023
Prof. (Dr.) Yogesh Upadhyay Head, School of Management Studies Jiwaji University, Gwalior
Topic – Indian Economics Past vs Present & Future
Dr. Upadhyay started his speech by referring to the golden age of ancient India and shared examples of the best crafts and clothes that were produced in ancient India. He claimed that India was once a leader in World GDP particularly in the Gupta Age. He referred to the visit of Fa-Hien who has left a vivid account of the then ruling Gupta dynasty. Dr. Upadhyay also talked about the de-industrialization of India and quoted a term “Hindu Rate of Growth” given by few famous Indian economist. He praised the “Make in India” Movement and how India has made significant progress in the toy industry, defence sector, roadways, hospital sector, infrastructure etc. Dr Upadhyaya also mentioned the challenges to growth like women's labour, ineffective Govt., insufficient infrastructure, corruption etc.
Lecture by Prof. (Dr.) Iti Roychowdhury Director, ASL/AISS/ASCENT, AUMP
Topic – Indian Literature: Ancient and Present
Dr. Roychowdhury spoke of Ancient Indian Literature as a source of information about Ancient Indian Knowledge. After establishing the credibility of Indian Knowledge in sciences, mathematics, psychology, literature, and fine arts, through sharing pictures/ videos of Ancient Indian Marvels, she explained the nomenclature and classification of Ancient Indian Literature. She concluded by pointing out the scope of work for research and teaching in IKS particularly the Namami project of GoI .
Dr. Vikas Baburao Thakare Associate Director & Scientist ‘G’ DRDE, Gwalior
Topic – Indian Textile
Dr. Thakare spoke about Indian Knowledge System and Intellectual Property Rights. He said that the Indian knowledge system is about the pursuit of knowledge and strategic leadership. Dr Thakare showed how the Indian knowledge system is deeply rooted in Indian culture, philosophy, and spirituality. He then went on to trace the evolution of Indian textiles starting from neolithic to post-independence era. Dr. Thakare particularly mentioned the significant role played by Cholas and other dynasties in the development of Indian textiles. He also referred to the East India Company’s arrival in India and establishment of major trade centres. He spoke about the Bombay-based Khadi movement and the establishment of the All-India Handloom Board in the year of 1952. He traced the evolution of knowledge in the textile sector and how India eventually established itself as a leader among the textile markets of the world.
Day 3: 17-07-2023
Lecture by Dr. Meenu Bajpai Professor & Head Department of Transfusion Medicine, ILBS, New Delhi
Topic – Indian Health System
Dr. Meenu Bajpai started her address by sharing her personal experience with traditional Indian System of Medicine which had ensured recovery and rehabilitation without surgery of a patient suffering from acute kidney failure. She stressed upon the value of Yoga and Balance for integrated healthcare . Dr. Bajpai listed the components of Indian Medical Systems such as Homoeopathy, Allopathy, Ayush, Naturopathy, and Ayurveda. She spoke at length about the traditional system of medicine and talked about the formation of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine and its significance in the present-day medical system. She referred to the “Doshas” and mentioned their importance in treating Psychosomatic Disorder. She also spoke about the five pillars of Ayurveda: Rest, Movement, Food and Nutrition, Meditation, and Emotional Well-being. She concluded her speech by mentioning “sowa-rigpa” system of medicine, which was invented almost 2500 years ago, and the significant role played by present-day “naturopathy”.
Lecture by Dr. Mayank Mathur School of Architecture and Planning, New Delhi
Topic – Theories of Design in Architecture
Dr. Mathur spoke about the theories of design in Architecture. According to Dr Mathur, a city is a three-dimensional entity. He also that it is important to study the design of cities from across the world to understand the significance of design and architecture of each. That is how a civilization can advance from ancient to modern designs in city planning. Speaking of the components of urban design, he referred to the need of public spaces such as parks. He gave examples of city planning and architectural marvels of cities like Lutyens’ Delhi, Chandigarh etc. He concluded his speech by mentioning green city and edge city.
Lecture by Prof. (Dr.) Kuldip Dwivedi Head, Environmental Science, AUMP
Topic: Agroforestry for Climate Resilience, Sustainability and Enterprise Development
Dr. Dwivedi explained how that India developed its knowledge system, tested it through practice, and verified and improved it over thousands of years. As a result, the Indian Knowledge System is founded on the ‘wellbeing of all’ and it is based on a deep understanding of human being as well as of Nature and entire existence. He showed that Agriculture in India is broadly classified into five different periods before India’s independence. During the Vedic period trees were also domesticated, worshipped, and venerated—Pipal and Banyan in particular. Dr. Dwivedi said that systematic ploughing, manuring, weeding, irrigation, and crop protection were practised for sustainable agriculture. Spice trade — including cinnamon and black pepper gained momentum as India started shipping spices to the Mediterranean. He added that the construction of water works and aspects of water technology in India is described in Arabic and Persian literature. Agricultural 'zones' were broadly divided into those producing rice, wheat, or millet. Dr. Dwivedi mentioned that due to the extensive development of canal networks in Punjab, Narmada Valley, and Andhra Pradesh became centres of agrarian reforms. Few Indian commercial crops—such as Cotton, Indigo, Opium, and Rice—made it to the global market under the British Raj in India. While mentioning agricultural development during the post-independence era, Dr. Dwivedi referred to the famous quote of India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru that ‘everything can wait but agriculture’ and Mahatma Gandhi’s observation that ‘there are people in the world so hungry, that God can not appear to them except in the form of bread’ . These signify the importance of agriculture and the priority given to it after independence. He also referred to ‘Grow More Food, Campaign in 1947 which later moved with scientific vigour, planners’ rigour, and millions of farmers’ hard work. This science-led agricultural development – the “Green Revolution” transformed India from an acutely food-scarce food shortage country to food sufficient to food surplus and food exporting country. He concluded his remarks by saying that Agroforestry product research, new product development, new designs and quality standards should be evolved for downstream processing.
Day 4: 18-07-2023
Lecture by Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Harbola Professor, IIT, Kanpur
Topic – Indian Knowledge System and Science & Technology
Dr. Harbola spoke of the Indian intellectual tradition in the past and talked about the number system in India. He mentioned the “sulba sutras” in particular. Speaking of Baudhayana, Manava, Apastamba, Katyana etc.he showed how number theory started in India. He gave the instance of the Kerala School of Mathematics and talked about Woodz Steel. He spoke in detail about metallurgy as exemplified by Delhi Iron Pillar. He talked about the ancient House of Wisdom and transition bureau and mentioned how India has progressed in modern science and technology. Dr. Harbola also spoke of the eminent Indian scientists and their significant role in the past by giving examples of Acharya Prafullya Chandra Roy, S N Bose, Meghnad Saha, J C Bose, Ramanujan, C V Raman etc. He also talked about the “Dawn of Science” in modern India.
Lecture by Prof. (Dr.) Shashikant Gupta School of Engg. & Sciences, GD Goenka University, Gurugram
Topic – Ancient Indian Architecture & Design
Dr. Gupta started his talk by explaining the planetary system and the movement of stars. He then talked about ancient Indian astronomy and showed how efficient the astronomers of that time were and gave examples of Aryabhata, Varaha Mihir, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara I, Bhaskara II etc. He spoke about various positions of stars in the sky and how several predictions can be made based on that. He referred to Surya Siddhanta and the book Advanced Astronomy. Dr. Gupta also recalled the stories of Dhruva and others from Purana. He shared his views on synodic and sidereal months.
Lecture by Prof. (Dr.) R. S. Tomar Dean (Academics), Dean Life Science & Director AIB, AUMP
Topic – IPR with reference to Indian Knowledge System
Dr. Tomar spoke about IPR and referred to research in Indian tradition. Describing the function of the Indian knowledge system and its significance in modern-day research, he talked about the popularization and promotion of interdisciplinary research in all aspects. Dr Tomar emphasized the importance of facilitating, funding, creating, promoting, and popularizing research amongst the masses. He referred to the Vedas, Vishwamitra, Vyasa, Yajnavalkya, Yajurveda, Yuga, Chaturdash Vidyas, and 10 Avatars while explaining the importance of the Indian knowledge system. Dr. Tomar also mentioned the need for understanding the concepts of patenting, copyrights, and trademarks. He gave the definition of IP and IPR and explained the need of ideas, creativity, and innovations towards patenting. He said that creativity is the combination of ideas and actions. Dr. Tomar broadly described with examples of patents, GI, design, copyright, trademark, brand value etc.
Day 5: 19-07-2023
Lecture by Dr. J. S. Namdhari GRMC, Gwalior Topic – Indian Health System: Ancient to Modern
Dr Namdhari started his session by speaking about Sushrut and his practice of surgery in ancient India particularly plastic surgery. He also referred to Charak Sanhita and the significance of 4 Vedas. He mentioned Ayurveda as the 5th Veda. Dr. Namdari emphasised a healthy and proper lifestyle and day-to-day activities. He reinforced two ideas - preventive and curative. Dr Namdhari said that meditation helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He also highlighted the benefits of Yoga. He expressed his concern about Psychosomatic Disorder and mentioned how the inherent knowledge of Indians helped to deal with the Covid Pandemic and enhanced body resistance. He also mentioned the benefits of Ayurveda and India’s leadership in pioneering modern medicine.
Lecture by Prof. (Dr.) Girishwar Mishra Former Vice Chancellor Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha
Topic – Indian Knowledge System
Dr. Mishra mentioned the beauty of mantras that were used in ancient times and are still being chanted. He talked about “Vachik Parampara” and explained how things are circulating generation after generation through Indian Knowledge System. He emphasised remembering, recollecting, and implementing knowledge with proper precision. Dr. Mishra spoke about 8 types of recitation and gave the concept of practice to perfection. He explained the significance of various “Sutras” and mentioned that Indian Knowledge System can be thought of as Integrated Knowledge System. He talked about “Moksh” and said that growth should not be in individualism but in the development of all people around us. He mentioned his idea about the “independent self” and “interdependent self” and explained his thoughts on “individual” and “dividual” relationships amongst human beings. Dr. Mishra said that Indian Knowledge System recognizes the value of interdependence and systemic view and not in independent reality but in constructive reality and concluded his speech by mentioning the significance of “Dharma”.
Ms. Gayatri Singh Director- HHMSJRS Museum, Jai Vilas Palace -Gwalior
Topic – Indian Textile & Fashion
Ms. Gayatri Singh spoke of the Indian Knowledge System that values the interconnectedness of humans and the environment and promotes sustainable practices that ensure the well-being of both. She gave the context of India with an unbroken living oral tradition with a history of more than at least 5,000 years. She spoke about classical Indian literature and chaturdasa-vidya-sthanas (14) which consists of the 4 Vedas (namely ?igveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda), 6 Veda?gas (namely Sik?a, Kalpa, Vyakara?a, Chhandas, Niruktam and Jyoti?a), Itihasa (Ramaya?a & Mahabharata) and Pura?a (Vi??upura?a, Bhagavata etc.). She spoke about Dharmasastra (Manusm?ti, Yajñavalkya-sm?ti, Parasara-sm?ti etc.), Darsana (Six orthodox and six heterodox systems) and Nyaya (Logic and Epistemology). Ms. Singh also referred to the 4 Upavedas, namely Ayurveda (healthcare), Dhanurveda (archery), Gandharva-Veda (dance, music etc.) and Sthapatyaveda (architecture). She referred to the concept of “Ahimsa” and how silkworms are no longer killed to get the silk cocoon. She traced the growth of textiles in India from the silk strands found in jewellery excavated from Harappa and Chanhu-daro, and a cotton fragment found attached to a metal tool in Mohenjo-Daro. She said that the journey of textiles of India, from the Indus Valley to modern synthetic fabrics, has been a long and chequered one.
Valedictory Function - Chief Guest Prof. (Dr.) Arvind Kumar Shukla, Vice-Chancellor, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior
Dr. Shukla started his speech by mentioning the 4 Vedas and emphasised the significance of Upanishad in ancient and modern life. He expressed his viewpoints on the whole knowledge system in India and talked about Indian Agricultural System. He said that every part of “soil” represents the “Whole World”. Dr. Shukla mentioned scientific ways to live on this earth and said there is only one religion “humanity”. He talked about the green revolution and its significance in modern agriculture. Dr. Shukla asked the gathering to maintain balance in life and enhance the knowledge system.
Concluding Remark by Lt. Gen. V. K. Sharma, AVSM (Retd.) Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior
At the end of the 5-day FDP, Hon’ble VC made his concluding remarks in which he explained the background of the FDP and the Indian Knowledge System. He referred to the progress of India in every sector and how India has secured a significant place in the whole world, especially during the crisis period of the pandemic phase. He said that Indian Knowledge System should be taught to the next generation to learn the knowledge compiled in our ancient literature. We should learn to think out of the box to develop something new in the coming years. He said India is now the world’s 5thlargest economy and gradually will become a topper in the coming decades. Hon’ble VC also emphasised that research should be given priority and traditional Indian knowledge should be studied for a better life through the process of “learning” and “unlearning”.
Vote of Thanks by Prof. (Dr.) Swapnil Rai Coordinator, FDP – Research Coordinator & I/c Director, Outcome, AUMP
The FDP came to an end with the formal vote of thanks proposed by Prof. (Dr.) Swapnil Rai. He expressed his sincere gratitude towards all the dignitaries, speakers, and audience for participating in the one-week faculty development programme.