Automotive Engineering Lab
Automotive engineering lab helps students about design, development, testing, application, modification, and maintenance of vehicles and their components for use in transportation systems. Students learn about Internal Combustion Engines, Fuel Injection System, Breaking System and other accessories related with automobile.

Process Dynamics & Control Lab
This lab course is designed to understand the concepts of feedback control systems in the chemical and process industry. The course involves analysis of dynamic control systems and provides hands-on experience.

The CAD laboratory in Amity University, Rajasthan, is a central facility available with the Amity School of Engineering & Technology, where in all the students of ASET, research scholars and faculty can work with 2-D and 3-D design and analysis packages. The users are encouraged to learn, practice and apply the knowledge gained into their research areas. The CAD lab provides digitally integrated environment where the users can design, analyze, simulate and build components.

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab
This lab is designed to introduce a basic study of the phenomena of Heat & Mass transfer operations, to develop methodologies for solving a wide variety of practical engineering problems, and to understand the heating & separation equipment in the process industry. It also provides proper understanding of unit operations. Students learn about the heat exchanger, conduction, natural & forced convection, Radiation, diffusion mass transfer, operation of cooling tower, operation of dryer, crystallization, and absorption.

Engineering Mechanics Lab
Engineering Mechanics is one of the important subject which deals with mechanics of various structures and components. The results determined at laboratories ensure about safety, strength, rigidity, reliability and behaviors of mechanical beams, trusses, struts, joints and other technological aspects.

Highway Material Testing Lab
• To learn the principles and procedures of testing of coarse aggregates. • To study about various test on bitumen. • To enhance the knowledge on properties of fresh concrete. • To gain knowledge about the strength properties of hardened concrete. • To learn about the test on bituminous mixes.

Surveying Lab
Know the principles and methods of surveying using different equipment’s & methods
Determination of distance, area using chain, compass and plane table surveying.
Recording of observation accurately and Perform calculations based on the observation
Identification of source of errors and rectification methods.
Apply surveying principles to determine areas and volumes and setting out curves.
Understand the concept of advanced techniques and operation of modern equipment and perform various experiments by using that.

Geotechnical Engineering Lab
• Provide civil engineering students with the basic knowledge to carry out field investigations and to indentify soils in Geotechnical engineering practice. • Educate civil engineering students in performing and interpretation of laboratory tests for evaluating sub grade performance and for pavement design. • Knowledge of and ability to perform laboratory tests needed to determine soil design parameters. • Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret data.

Concrete Technology Lab
1. To familiarize the students with physical properties and mechanical behavior of concrete and related construction materials.
2. To demonstrate the students background theoretical aspects related to concrete making materials and to highlight the link with actual practice.
3. To provide an idea to the students on preparation of mortar and concrete.
4. To familiarize students with the experiments and to have exposure with equipment and machines.
5. To prepare students to generate data from the experiment, analyze them and maintain proper records.

Measurement & Control Lab
This Laboratory is equipped with essential instruments which can give the understanding of basic principles of measurement systems. Laboratory is also equipped with digital and analog instruments by which students can understand how digital instruments are more précised and accurate compare to their analog counterpart. This helps the students with the skill of measuring using various Electrical Instrument and controllers for various Industrial applications.

Microprocessor Lab
This laboratory is used to provide intensive practical exposure to learn the assembly and embedded C programming systematically for the different issues of microprocessor and microcontroller. Students are extensively exposed with the interfacing of microprocessor and microcontrollers with other peripherals. The course will help to analyses, implement, and understand the interfacing circuits for various applications of Microprocessor-based system. The aim of this course is to give the students basic knowledge of the microprocessors and microcontrollers needed to develop the systems using it.

Basic Electrical Lab
The laboratory was developed to offer fundamental understanding of many aspects of electrical engineering. The experiments are set up in a way that makes them useful for undergrad students in every field. Many different tools are used in the studies; these instruments are very accurate and dependable when used according to user and equipment safety protocols. The lab's ability to enable experimental work of any kind and be utilised as an interdisciplinary laboratory is by far its greatest asset. The experiments cover every aspect of the subject, including how to solve AC and DC circuits, formulate and analyse circuits, comprehend electromagnetic principles to apply them in electrical rotating machines and transformers, identify different electrical machines based on their applications, and use ethical principles to troubleshoot and safely install devices in accordance with engineering practices norms.