25 Oct 2018|Mumbai

Workshop By Neha Patel A Arts- Based Therapist, On Based Therapy (ABT)

CRC AUM organized a Workshop  for Students of Amity Institute of Allied & Behavioral Sciences (AIBAS) on Art Based Therepy (ABT)

The speaker was an Arts- based therapist, Neha Patel. She’s been in this field for almost 23 years. She began with the session by asking the audience, “What is Arts?” and “What is a therapy” according to them. Various answers were noted down. She mentioned about the various groups of people who can seek help through the arts-based therapy- children with learning disabilities, children with special needs, children with mental issues, adults with mental issues like borderline personality and psychosis, adults suffering from various addictions, and many others.

She spoke about the history of Arts-based therapy (ABT). It was started by her teachers educating her and her classmates about how this field can help people with different kinds of mental illnesses. Not many people can express verbally and hence, they use arts as a medium to express. A game was played in which everyone was made to stand in a circle and certain things were spoken, such as, chocolate, and the people who like chocolate had to come to the centre of the circle. This was like an ice-breaking session.

After the game, everyone sat in a circle and Ms. Neha Patel narrated a story- There was a village in which everyone was always scared and suppressed. The reason was that a giant lived in the mountain near-by and every month it came to the village and challenged people to fight him; those who failed to fight, would be taken by the giant and consumed by him. Once a prince came to the village and offered help to the people. The next day when the giant came and asked who was ready to fight him, the prince accepted the challenge and replied loudly that he was ready. As the giant came closer and closer, it appeared to shrink in size. And when it was the closest, the prince saw that the giant was only 6 inches short. The giant was “fear”.

Groups of 10 people were made and based on this story, they were asked to make up a play (only actions and no words) about how they interpret this story. A question-answer round was conducted and it marked the end of the seminar