The vital activity on “Mentoring Students for Internship Opportunities” was an excellent initiative on account of the remarkable ‘Vidyanjali- Higher Education under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The activity bears the outcome of mentoring students to acquire fundamental skills through rigorous internships in various public, private and other reputed corporate organizations. Such as, NITI Aayog Internship Scheme was thoroughly discussed in the online mode of meeting. The activity was keenly attended by more than 130 candidates from Gwalior both students and the learned faculties. It was minutely briefed that the Undergraduate/postgraduate students or research scholars enrolled in recognized universities/institutions in India and abroad can apply for the NITI Aayog Internship Scheme. They will work closely with NITI's verticals/divisions/cells. The " interns" shall have an opportunity to know about the Government functioning and Developmental Policy issues in the Government of India and contribute to the Policy formulation by generating policy inputs such as empirical analysis, briefing reports, policy papers, etc. Questions and Answers Session was also taken into account on the part of other vivid internship opportunities. Overall it was a participatory activity, “Enriching the various dimensions of Internships.”