21 Jun 2024|Gwalior

10th International Day of Yoga

 Amity University Madhya Pradesh celebrated the International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2024 with great enthusiasm and overwhelming participation. 

The theme of this year’s Yoga Day celebrations  was "Yoga for Self and Society" 
The added focus was on Yoga for Women Empowerment.
The aim of the programme was to promote overall well-being and encourage a sustainable lifestyle through the practice of Yogic Postures, Mediation and Prayers.
The event began at 6 AM in the sports complex of the University. 
Hon’ble  Pro-Chancellor, Officiating Vice Chancellor,   all the senior functionaries of the University as well as faculty, staff and students participated in the Yoga Day Celebrations.
Dr Malkhan Singh, the Sports Officer was the chief instructor of the event. 
1)    Yoga Asana (posture).
a)     Standing Posture ( Five Asana)
1)    Tadasana
2)    Ardhacharkrasana (Half Wheel Pose)
3)    Veerabhadrasana
4)    Trikonasana
5)    Vrikshasana
b)    Sitting Posture  ( Five Asana)
1)    Malasana
2)    Paschimottanasana
3)    Badhkonasana
4)    Balasana
5)    Chakkichalanasana
c)     Prone lying( Five Asana )
1)    Makrasana
2)    Bhujanasana
3)    Bhekasana
4)    Noukasana
5)    Dhanurasana Swing
d)    Supine lying  ( Five Asana)
1)    Subasana
2)    Setubandhasana
3)    Pavanmuktasana
4)    Uttapadsana
5)    Vasisthasana
2)    Kriya.              
1)    Kapalbhati
2)    Tratak
3)    Pranayama.     
1)    Shitali
2)    Anuloma – Viloma (Nadishodhan)
4)    Dhayan / Meditation  inVajrasna.      
 The session was well received and highly appreciated by all the faculty and staff.