Optical Communication Systems,
Basic Electrical Engineering
Opto-Electronics; Optical Communication; Photonics
Opto-Electronics; Optical Communication; Electronics, Basic Electrical Engineeing
Executive Committee Member of IEEE Photonics Society Chapter U.P. Section
Fellow, Optical Society of India (India)
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA)
Senior Member, IEEE Photonics Society (USA)
Senior Member, Optical Society of America (USA)
Member, International Association of Advance Materials (Sweden)
Member, International Association of Engineers (Hong Kong)
Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), U.K.
Member, Indian Science Congress Association (India)
Reviewer, Silicon (Published by Springer Nature)
Reviewer, Optical and Quantum Electronics (Published by Springer Nature)
Referee, Physics of Fluids (Published by American Institute of Physics Publishing)
Reviewer, Indian Journal of Physics (Published by Springer Nature)
Reviewer, International Journal of Modern Physics B (SCI and Scopus indexed)
Reviewer, Journal of Applied Physics (Published by American Institute of Physics Publishing)
Reviewer, International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Published by Elsevier)
Member, International Advisory Reviewer Board, Engineering Letters, Hong Kong
Reviewer, Optics Letters (Published by the Optical Society of America, U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Optics Express (Published by the Optical Society of America, U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Journal of Optical Networking (Published by the IEEE and the Optical Society of America, U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Applied Optics (Published by the Optical Society of America, U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Journal of Optics (Published by the OSI and Springer, Germany)
Reviewer, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (Published by the Taylor and Francis Group, U.K.)
Reviewer, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Group Journals: PIER, PIER B, PIER M, PIER C, PIER Letters(Published by the Electromagnetics Academy, U.S.A.)
Referee, Journal of Modern Optics (Published by the Taylor and Francis Group, U.K.)
Reviewer, ACS Nano (Published by the American Chemical Society, U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Journal of Physical Chemistry (Published by the American Chemical Society, U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Photonics and Optoelectronics (Published by the World Academic Publishing Co., Hong Kong)
Reviewer, Optics Communications (Published by the Elseveir, Netherlands)
Reviewer, Cellulose, (Published by the Springer Netherlands & Nature Publishing Group)
Reviewer, Optica Applicata (Published by Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Reviewer, Optik (Published by the Elsevier & German Society of Applied Optics)
Ranked among the top 2% Scientists of the World by Stanford University in 2024.
Selected for providing inputs in QS World University Ranking (U.K.) in 2017 & 2018.
Selected for providing inputs in Times Higher Education World University Ranking (U.K.) in 2017.
Received 03 awards for research works
Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)