Research fosters professional excellence amongst faculty in delivering outstanding student education and training. When our next generation of faculty engages in research with its deliberate process and requirements for critical thinking skills, they become better education providers and are best prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future. The Amity School of Engineering & Technology (ASET) functions under the leadership of Maj. Gen. V. K. Narang, Director ASET & AIIT, and Chief Proctor at Amity University Gurgaon, Haryana.
Amity School of Engineering & Technology at AUH forever strides towards the vision and mission of our Honorable Founder President, Dr. Ashok Chauhan and Honorable Chancellor Dr. Aseem Chauhan in three facets namely—Research, Innovation and Industry Integration. To celebrate the spirit of innovation, Amity University Gurgaon, Haryana celebrates the Founder’s day in the name of innovation, calling it the “Innovation Day” each year on 28th September. On this day, we celebrate the endeavors of quality research undertaken by our faculty, highlight the various funded projects that our faculties strive to excel, and bring out other scientific contributions by our faculty in the form of research papers, patents, industrial projects and collaborations. The Innovation Gallery is a hall dedicated to showcase the innovations of our faculty and students in various technical disciplines in the form of working models and functional devices.
In a nutshell, the Innovation Day at one of the top engineering institutes in Haryana acts as a means to celebrate and promote outcome based research in our campus.
Furthermore, faculty in Amity School of Engineering and Technology receive regular awareness on funding and grants for research projects by national and international private and governmental agencies through the Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation (ASTIF). Through a strong academic link, all faculties of this best in class engineering college in Delhi NCR, receive emails on latest schemes according to their research profile and are updated about financial schemes and grants for promotion of research on campus through agencies such as Department of Bio-Technology, Department of Science and Technology.
Amity School of Engineering and Technology also encourages its faculty to demonstrate quality research in conferences and workshops of scientific repute at both national and international platforms. Amity University Gurgaon, Haryana supports faculty through the International Travel Support (ITS) scheme, whereby faculty receive financial assistance to participate in National and international conferences. In the past years, many faculty members have received the financial assistance to travel to International conferences in Dubai, Italy etc. for prestigious conferences such as Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The support covers 100% of the registration cost and 50% of travel, boarding and lodging expenses. Schemes such as the ITS, provides the faculty inspiration to engage in quality and outcome based research, providing them with a platform to demonstrate their skills at global platforms.
School of Engineering & Technology