Dr. Sanjeev Agrawal
Prof. & Head, ACAPC & ASEES
Director of Amity Centre for Air Pollution Control (ACAPC),
Amity University Haryana, Gurugram, India
Possible Impact of Corona virus Pandemic in the Region and way forward:
The amount of particulate matter that can be inhaled and subsequently absorbed in the human respiratory tract is highly dependent on particulate size as well as solubility. The smaller the particle, the deeper it can penetrate into the respiratory tract. The factors that influence where particles in air are deposited as they are inhaled and the principal mechanisms of deposition for each size range, exists. The mechanisms involved in particle deposition to surfaces within the human respiratory system are the same as those that govern the removal of particulate matter from the atmosphere; these are impaction, sedimentation, and diffusion. In general, particles having aerodynamic diameters of 5-30 (μm are deposited in the nasopharyngeal region (nose, nasal cavity, and throat). Impaction is the predominant deposition mechanism in this region because of the high air speeds and the many turns in this part of the respiratory tract. It is imperative to mention that aerosol factors influencing Airborne Infection, with Particle size: <5um "droplet nuclei" from coughing & sneezing and deposition site depends on particle size and hygroscopicity. The Chemical composition of the aerosol particle depends on relative humidity (RH), desiccation (loss of moisture), Temperature (generally greater inactivation at higher temp), Sunlight, UV inactivation of microbes, are the factors influencing air movement: winds, currents, mechanical air handlers, etc. Seasonal factors, precipitation, air currents, pollen sources are one of the major cause of Air pollution. Chemicals inactivating airborne microbes (OAF= Open Air Factor) enhancing their ability to cause infection in a host.
It has been observed that CORONAVIRUS disease is contagious or infectious and no evidence exists in the world that it is airborne. Some Common airborne infectious diseases such as viral disease, bacterial disease, Adenovirus, Respiratory Bordetella pertussis, Whooping infection cough, Herpesvirus, Chicken pox, Yersinia pestis, Pneumonic plague, Poxvirus, Small pox, Staphylococcus aureus, Wound infection, Togavirus, Rubella, Mycobacterium, TB tuberculosis, Orthomyxovirus, Influenza, Legionella pneumophila, Legionellosis, Paramyxovirus, Measles, mumps, Bacillus anthracis, Anthrax Rhabdovirus, Newcastle Coxiella burnetii Q fever are some of the bioaerosol diseases. Some more Diseases Caused by Bioaerosols Hypersensitivity or Allergic Diseases Result from exposure to antigens (of indoor bioaerosols) that stimulate an allergic response by the body’s immune system, although susceptibility varies among people. Another disease usually are diagnosed by a physician that once an individual has developed a hypersensitivity disease, a very small amount of the antigen may cause a severe reaction and hypersensitivity diseases account for most of the health problems due to indoor bioaerosols. However, there is no evidence seen by the researcher of presence of NOVEL CORONAVIRUS in ambient air or it is adsorbed along with ultra fine particles during the pandemic, but there is a strong need for future research in India on this issue urgently.