Ms. Nitu Sinha
Head, Amity Center of Yoga Education, Therapy and Research
Amity University Gurugram

When you are in a state of yoga, all misconceptions (vrittis) that can exist in the mutable aspect of human beings (chitta) disappear. ||2|| - P.Y.S
Our health depends on the way we live our life. The habits, customs, beliefs, emotions, and many other factors allow us to be physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally fit, to fight with the disease and conditions. In many instances, without realizing, we adopt certain habits or beliefs and change our way of life. The result of it does not come soon but arrive slowly and make our life full of misery and discomfort. Sometimes, It is difficult to come back but often changing the way of life and adopting a good discipline, make our life back to normal. One such good discipline is ‘Yoga’, which bring us into balance and harmony and allow us to enjoy our life.
Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word Yoga derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘Yuj’ meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’. According to sage Patanjali, ‘Yogaschittavritti Nirodhah’, Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind. Though the Yoga is mainly for mind and soul, its control is achieved through the body. It is a science of self-development, self-awareness, and self-transformation that boost the positive energy in the body and improve the quality of life.
Yoga is not just a physical exercise but a way of life that brings calmness of mind and soul. The yogic practices mainly include the principles of Lifestyle Modifications, Body Purificatory Methods (Satkriya), Asana Practices, Pranayama Practices, Mudra Practices, Meditation Techniques, and Relaxation Techniques.
The Lifestyle Modifications (Yama, Niyama, and Mitahara) promote mental attitudes and correct the behavior of an individual for the development of the physical body, mind, and soul. The Body Purificatory Methods (Satkriya) help to overcome/reduce the impurities in the body. Asana Practices where a person is to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed. It improve the circulation in the body by stretch and relax effect on the muscles, provide proper nutrition to each cell, remove stiffness of joint, gives massage effect on the organs, and improve the blood flow. Pranayama practice voluntarily cesses the normal movement of inhalation and exhalation, improves the capacity of lungs, increases oxygen concentration in blood, control the heart, respiratory and pulse rate, control the blood pressure, improve the functions of the cardio-respiratory system, improve the respiratory muscles activity, enhance the parasympathetic activity and suppress the excess sympathetic activity, thereby control the stress.
Meditation brings calmness of mind, improves concentration and memory, purifies the sensory organs and the perception becomes perfect. Relaxation Technique improves the blood circulation, reduce blood pressure and heart rates, relax muscles and reduce metabolic rate, improve breathing deeper and rhythmic, remove psychological tensions, reduces anxiety, bring tranquility, rejuvenates the neural functions and bring balance in all the functions of the body.

One who is regular in eating, sleeping, recreation, and working habits, can destroy all physical afflictions through yoga practice.
The yogic practice can be adopted by anyone irrespective of age, gender, ability, or conditions. The benefits are enormous in attaining the peace and harmony.
Yoga is a way of life and one lives happy, healthy, and stress-free life by adopting it into daily practice.