Dr. Tanushri Purohit
Associate Professor
Amity Business School
Stride into the college environment is an important transition in life. Adapting to the new environment and learning styles becomes imperative for the students and could become a challenging experience as well as rewarding. The challenges faced during this period, are not only academic but financial, emotional and social as well. This is a phase when students suddenly, from their cocooned and protected environment, are exposed to the world of reality. Adequate preparedness for the smooth transition becomes really important since each day will be full of surprises.
One of the most important skills to be developed is independent thinking and understanding of academic matters.Since, in schools, students are often dependent on their teachers but, in higher education structure, faculty support is different because this phase is preparing you to face the industry and the world in coming times. Developing academic skills in the area of analysis, research, taking notes, revising, being proactive in asking and resolving the quires are very important. These skills will help one in faring well in new subject areas and examinations. Quick understanding of new class structures, grading system, examinations and assignment submissions enhances the adaptability to the new academic environment.
Time management and planning also helps in better performance. Efficient time management can help you to understand your academic needs well in advance and prepare well.This will not only save time but also reduce the stress level. With more time in hand, focus can be on doing more research, projects consulting and reading additional study material. This will enhance the overall perspective of academics and facilitate the development of personality.
Practicing smart note taking is another crucial skill, which should be developed, since most of the universities and colleges have classes in large lecture theatres and batch sizes are larger. In such situations taking notes smartly and intelligently helps to keep undated and getting your reference material ready simultaneously. The class notes help with examination preparation and last minute revision of the subject.
Visiting the campus library also helps in enhancing the academic performances which students often tend to ignore. But students should schedule their library visits to consult reference books, research journals, newspapers and other academic material.
University and college environment are learning grounds for all students. Lot of expectations is there from students and students too have lot of expectations from their life. Keeping motivation level high during this period is extremely crucial. Self motivated individual are open to learning new things and work harder to achieve their goals.
Self discipline takes people long way in their life, achieving their personal and professional goals. Students should start practicing self discipline early in life. Self discipline helps in maintaining regularity if life, helps in staying ahead of your schedules. To a large extent, it helps students stay away from distractionsand focus on their goals. Small steps, like planning your day, making your study schedules, establishing you study area at home, create a backup plan, using the technology and thinking ahead, help to stay motivated and develop a positive frame of mind. Building self discipline helps to eliminate distractions and channel the energies and will power in the right direction.
Students should understand their potentials, inclinations and set realistic goals. Self awareness is another important step towards positivity. At no point of time students should over commit, which could lead to set backs and resulting in demotivation.Be aware of your uniqueness and set goals accordingly.
Students are also exposed to personal, social and emotional challenges during this phase, since they are in a new environment and social skills are still in the developmentprocess. Challenges could also be making and adjusting to new peer group, settling down in campus and hostel life, new relationships with faculty and administrators, handling financial responsibilities, experiencing homesickness and coping with stress. It is important to handle such challenges at the earliest. Family, faculty, friends, counselors and whole fraternity are there to support you. it is important to reach out at the earliest and resolve the issues.
Lastly, it is absolutely vital to maintain positivity in life.At no point of time one should lose hope. Take each challenging situation as a new opportunity to learn. Learning involves entering positive professional and personal relationships, taking risks and opening to adapt new changes with an optimistic and encouraging approach.