Email : admissions@ggn.amity.edu
.28 Feb 2025
Regular Courses
Dr. Arya Nair Assistant Professor Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences Amity University Gurugram
The brutal reality of the Global crisis due to the virus attack has definitely impacted the mental health of most of us. So a question is that how should we manage our mental well being and stay as calm and composed as possible when we maintain the lockdown as expected from every responsible citizen.
Due to the social media flooding of news about COVID19, it is very common for all of us to feel anxious and stressed. Let us pause and just make an attempt to travel to our sub-conscious mind and try to find that trigger which can help us unwind from the current situation.
Fit in your four- star emotions in the sentence and write it on your paper. E.g.: I AM HAPPY CALM POSITIVE AND COMPLETE.
This step might be tricky for some, but keep trying you will succeed!
As we observe the lockdown in our country with no end in sight, let us take this opportunity to rewire our minds into positivity and maintain our mental well- being just by following few simple steps.
Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences