14 Mar 2024|Gurgaon (Manesar)

A Session by ACC March 14th, 2024


 Amity College of Commerce, in collaboration with ISDC, hosted an interactive session centered around the ACCA qualification on March 14, 2024. It offered students a unique chance to interact with representatives from ISDC, providing invaluable insights into the ACCA program.

The aim of the event was to facilitate an open dialogue between students and ISDC representatives, allowing students to address their queries and concerns regarding the ACCA qualification. Through this interaction, students were encouraged to voice their concerns and seek clarification on various aspects of the ACCA program, thereby fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the qualification's benefits and opportunities.

In conclusion was a valuable opportunity for that provided a platform for students to engage with ISDC representatives. The active participation and open dialogue fostered during the session not only addressed students' queries and concerns but also deepened their understanding of the ACCA qualification.