14 Mar 2024|Gurgaon (Manesar)

A Guest Lecture by ACOAST on March 14th, 2024


 ACOAST organized a guest lecture titled "Synthetic Symbiotic System as Soil Additives to Deliver Active Ingredients Through Plant Roots for Enhanced Plant and Crop Yield" on March 14, 2024. The talk delved into intriguing discussions centered around tele-connections between characteristic pollutant emissions of particulate matter (PM) and gases.

The aim of the lecture was to explore the effects of pollution on plant growth, with a specific focus on the impact on the rhizosphere. Additionally, the aim was to analyse the spatio-temporal variation of pollutants during different episodic situations, such as dust storms, construction/demolition activities, and industrial activities like oil factories/refineries, and their implications for environmental health.

In conclusion, the discussion on the effects of pollution on plant growth provided valuable insights into the environmental challenges faced by regions such as Luanda, Angola, and Panchgaon, Haryana, India. Overall, this discussion served as a catalyst for further interdisciplinary research and collaborative initiatives aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and enhancing agricultural productivity.