18 Apr 2024|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Personality Development Activity by ACC on April 18, 2024


Personality Development Activity by ACC on April 18, 2024

 Amity College of Commerce organized a personality development activity on April 18, 2024, titled "Just a Minute - Share, Relive, Reminisce." The event aimed to foster a sense of nostalgia, celebrate memorable experiences, and promote camaraderie among students.

The event provided a platform for students to develop interpersonal skills and build lasting friendships beyond the confines of the activity. By encouraging spontaneous thinking and effective communication in a public setting, participants gained confidence and honed their articulation skills.

In conclusion, by providing a space for students to share their stories and milestones, the event instilled pride, gratitude, and resilience among participants, empowering them to face future challenges with confidence and optimism.