Advertising and Public Relations (PR) focus on creating an interface between Productsand the Public. While Advertising endeavours to bring attention of the Public towards Products, Services or even Individuals, Public Relations works to maintain good relationships with all stakeholders, customers, the media, the community, investors and more.
Advertising is one of the key functions in all industries and plays a vital role in ensuringthey stay competitive. Through Advertising, a company stays in constant touch with its current and potential customers. There are numerous medium for executing Advertising for a product, from Print (newspapers, magazines, journals and more), Electronic (Television, Radio, etc.) to Internet (mailers, Social Media, promotional offers/contests, campaigns etc.) to a range of on-ground activities such as direct selling, hoardings, and more.
Similarly, Public Relations is another very important function in any Industry. PR strives to keep a positive and healthy image of the organization, its products and people. Often, Advertising and PR go hand in hand and work in close coordination with each other.
Advertising expenditure in India is expected to grow 13 per cent year-on-year to Rs 69,346 crore (US$ 10.71 billion) in 2018.Mobile advertising has emerged as the 3rd largest advertising medium in India after television and print advertising. Spending on mobile advertising in India is expected to grow to US$ 1.53 billion by the end of 2018. Expenditure on digital advertisements in India is expected to increase at Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 30.8 per cent between 2016-21, as internet penetration and data consumption increases in the country (KPMG - FICCI Report 2017, Economic Times, Aranca Research and Digital First Journey report by KPMG).
Career Avenues in Advertising and Public Relations:
Avenues in Advertising:
Advertising is a powerful marketing tool and the objective of advertising is to create a brand image in the minds of the customer. In advertising, we are dealing with the existing and prospective customers, hence, brands design their ads with a goal of convincing customers to make a purchasing decision in their favour. The field offers a diverse career options, including Copywriters, Art directors, Advertising and Promotions Managers, Media Directors, Graphic Designers, Creative Services, Client Servicing Executive, Creative Director and more. Advertising Industry also offers a host of emerging opportunities.
Avenues in Public Relations:
Public relations officers are in demand in various PSU, government and private domains, big corporate as well as in production houses and image consultancy services. They are responsible for brand building and effective communication. Public image is important to all organisations and prominent personalities. Educational Institutes, Hospitals, Hotels, Travel Agencies and Private Consultancy Firms hire PR professionals to build an ideal image of their organizations and augment market visibility. PR professionals act as crisis manager during emergency and perform the role of spokesperson on behalf of the organisation.